A man typing on a laptop

6 Ways to Connect With Your Child With Autism

Autism, or the autism spectrum disorder, is a condition that is usually diagnosed early in a child’s life and continues throughout childhood and adulthood. It is a neuro-developmental condition with a cause that is not easy to pinpoint, with factors including genetics, infections, and chemical exposure. In simpler, broader terms, autism is caused by radically different wiring in a […]

8 Halloween Costume Ideas for Kids With Autism

Halloween is an exciting time for kids of all ages — and children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) deserve to have all the fun, too. However, your child with autism may have sensory issues that affect their ability to wear certain types of costumes. Thankfully, workarounds for these issues allow your child to participate in […]

A Guide to Teaching Kids With Autism Hygiene Skills

A solid hygiene routine is critical for gaining independence as a child. For children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), though, learning how to take care of themselves can be more challenging than it is for their neurotypical peers. If you’re a parent, caregiver or educator beginning the special needs hygiene education journey, you might be […]

Benefits of Physical Activity and Exercise On Anxiety In Children with Autism

Have you noticed that you feel better when you keep your body moving? Physical activity improves blood flow, strengthens your heart, and can help clear your mind. Another incredible benefit of exercise is reduced anxiety. Unlike many other treatments for anxiety, exercise has little to no negative side effects — it’s noninvasive and free.  Exercise […]

Helping a Child with Autism Communicate

The term ‘autism’ was first coined by Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler, who based it on the Greek word autos, meaning ‘self’. According to Bleuler, people with autism were self-absorbed within their own private world and were nigh-unreachable from the outside. Autism was not well understood in these days, and Eugen’s term was the first to try and […]

How to Discipline a Child with Autism? Tips for Parents

There comes a time for every parent when it’s critical to discipline a child. We’ve all experienced a parent’s discipline at one point or another and know that there are many ways to address bad behavior and course correct – but some methods are more effective than others, in more ways than one. Some parents […]

Life Skills and the Autistic Child

For children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), many things that might come naturally to other children are very slow to develop. Certain life skills that we may take for granted in our everyday lives develop into seemingly insurmountable challenges for kids with ASD, especially when it comes to social skills, learning, and self-sufficiency skills from concrete things like picking out and […]

The Effectiveness of Play Therapy for Reducing Anxiety in Children with Autism

Play therapy can be incredibly beneficial for children diagnosed with autism, and it could help them reduce anxiety. Play therapy works to improve a child’s confidence, emotional intelligence, communication and social skills. Through self-paced play and guiding support, kids can increase their independence, learn problem-solving skills and develop a sense of emotional well-being. What Is […]

Tips for Creating Routines for a Child with Autism

Routines help us organize our day and complete all of our essential tasks. Daily routines can be beneficial for children with autism who struggle with transitions and change. It also streamlines responsibilities for parents and caregivers. Establishing routines at home for children with autism can help reduce stress, teach life skills and encourage family bonding. […]

Using Technology for In-Home Speech Therapy: Apps and Tools for Language Development

Supplementing your child’s speech therapy with activities at home can be an effective way to improve their speech and language development. And thanks to new technologies, apps and language tools, in-home speech therapy has become more accessible than ever. These apps can provide a more interactive and engaging experience, making the experience more enjoyable and […]

If you have questions about autism services for a child, teen or adult, call now (281) 894-1423. You can also check your insurance benefits and start an admission by clicking the button to the right. We're here for you.

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