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Blog - Page 4

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a term used to describe a group of complicated neurodevelopment disorders. The spectrum, rather than just describing intensity, represents a long list of different symptoms that have been identified as autism. Symptoms begin to present themselves very early on in childhood, and the disorder affects all races and ethnicities, although […]

Learning Appropriate Social Interaction

One of the main indications of autism is trouble with social interaction. Autism, or the autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a condition with a wide array of symptoms, many of which manifest differently from person to person. Social interaction is a complex facet of human communication that is generally part of our DNA and develops naturally at an early […]

Life Skills and the Autistic Child

For children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), many things that might come naturally to other children are very slow to develop. Certain life skills that we may take for granted in our everyday lives develop into seemingly insurmountable challenges for kids with ASD, especially when it comes to social skills, learning, and self-sufficiency skills from concrete things like picking out and […]

How to Hold a Job When You Have Autism

It’s no secret that being on the spectrum can come with its fair share of challenges, especially for children trying to fit into school life, and adults just starting out in the workforce. These are massive adjustments that often require an understanding and skill set that can seem antithetical to autism, and many jobs and industries are […]

How to Discipline a Child with Autism? Tips for Parents

There comes a time for every parent when it’s critical to discipline a child. We’ve all experienced a parent’s discipline at one point or another and know that there are many ways to address bad behavior and course correct – but some methods are more effective than others, in more ways than one. Some parents […]

Common Autism-Related Health Conditions

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder with a number of associated signs and behaviors. These can include social difficulties, delays in language development, issues with motor control, and cognitive struggles. The presentation of ASD varies greatly among individuals with the condition. The same holds true for a host of physical, mental, and behavioral […]

Autism and Learning Disabilities

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can share many traits with, or occur alongside learning disorders, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia. The same is true of non-verbal learning disorders, which may affect a child’s academic and social skills. As many as 10 percent of children have some kind of learning disorder.[i] Is Autism a Learning Disorder? […]

Navigating the Teen Years with Autism

Puberty is a tremendously difficult time for any child, but it can be several times more challenging for a child with autism spectrum disorder. Navigating the teen years on the spectrum is certainly no simple task, and can come at a very inopportune time – for many parents, puberty may be the time when they feel […]

6 Ways to Connect With Your Child With Autism

Autism, or the autism spectrum disorder, is a condition that is usually diagnosed early in a child’s life and continues throughout childhood and adulthood. It is a neuro-developmental condition with a cause that is not easy to pinpoint, with factors including genetics, infections, and chemical exposure. In simpler, broader terms, autism is caused by radically different wiring in a […]

Why Is Applied Behavior Analysis Helpful for Autism Treatment?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological condition that affects children at an early age, causing developmental issues, as well as physical symptoms such as epilepsy and gastrointestinal discomfort. While autism can be linked to several potential factors, including prenatal viral infections and other risk factors, it is understood to be largely hereditary. As we have learned much […]

If you have questions about autism services for a child, teen or adult, call now (281) 894-1423. You can also check your insurance benefits and start an admission by clicking the button to the right. We're here for you.

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